
vitest 测试技巧


单元测试,函数内部行为测试的宗旨,只关心函数产生的副作用是否有正确,不需要去关心函数内部其他函数调用是否正确 其他函数的调用测试应该由单独的测试覆盖


shallowMount behaves exactly like mount, but it stubs(存根) all child components by default. Essentially, shallowMount(Component) is an alias of mount(Component, { shallow: true }).

vitest test console.error

it('should log an error', () => {
  vi.spyOn(console, 'error').mockImplementation(() => {})
  // do your logic
  expect(console.error).toHaveBeenCalledWith('your error message')

vitest promise reject error

it("test promise reject error", async () => {
    await expect(request("https://example.com/api", {}, successEc, isToast, timeout)).rejects.toThrowError(
        "mk.ajax error~! {\"url\":\"https://example.com/api\",\"params\":{}}"

vitest test a class instance method call inside a function

it("vitest test a class instance method call inside a function", async () => {
    vi.spyOn(IM.prototype, 'init').mockImplementation(() => {})
    const { dispatch } = useIMStore()
    await dispatch() // dispatch will call IM class init  

vitest test vue3 plugin with arguments

it("vitest test vue3 plugin with arguments", async () => {
    const wrapper = shadowMount(ExampleComponent, {
        global: {
            plugins: [[MyPlugin, ...arguments]]

testing hooks value change and method call in vue3 component


export let activeSome: undefined | any;

interface _SetActiveSome {
  (pinia: any): any
  (pinia: undefined): undefined
  (pinia: any | undefined): any | undefined

export const setActiveSome: _SetActiveSome = some => (activeSome = some)

index.ts (plugin & hook)

const somePlugin = {
  install(app: App) {
    const hooks = useSome()
    app.provide(SomeSymbol, hooks)
    app.config.globalProperties.$some = hooks
    if (!activeSome)

export function useSome() {
  return activeSome!

export {
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